Indoor pool rooms are a very humid place. The water surface in the indoor pool area evaporates, thus increasing the humidity in the air. High humidity not only causes property damage, but also brings many problems to people's health.

When the water temperature of the pool rises to swimming temperature, excess moisture is released into the indoor air. Moisture wets the walls and forms water condensation on the glass windows, attaching to various facilities in the pavilion. Moisture contains chlorine or bromine disinfectants, and it will corrode all kinds of objects it comes in contact with, especially all kinds of electrical equipment. On the other hand, the high humidity environment is a paradise for mold, fungus and bacteria, and the unpleasant humid environment may cause coughs and colds, directly affecting people's physical health.

Moisture problems in indoor swimming pools can be easily solved by Blvedeep dehumidifiers. Equipping an indoor pool with a dehumidifier needs to be weighed against a variety of factors:

  1. Swimming pool surface area: The evaporation of water is related to the surface area of the swimming pool. If the swimming pool area is larger, the exposed water surface will generate more moisture, then the evaporation of water will be more, and the more humidity will be added to the air;
  2. Pool water temperature: Hot water evaporates faster than cold water. If the water temperature in the swimming pool is high, evaporation will occur at a faster rate, thus creating a higher humidity inside the indoor pool;
  3. Number of people in the activity: People moving in the pavilion will also bring humidity to the environment. Although the impact is not large, the human factor is more about people's adaptation to the environmental humidity, which should also be considered.